Legal Notice and Terms of Use
If a translated version conflicts with the French version, the French version prevails.
Legal Notice
1. Site identification
- Site name: AgroMetInfo
- Full site URL:
2. Site publisher
INRAE is a public scientific and technical establishment headquartered at 147, rue de l’Université – 75338 Paris CEDEX 07.
Its statutes are published in the French rural and maritime fishing code (Code rural et de la pêche maritime) (Articles R831-1 et seq.)
It is represented by its President, Mr Philippe Mauguin.
Email contact: Telephone: 01 42 75 00 00
3. Identification numbers
SIREN: 180070039
APE Code: 7219Z
Intra-community VAT number: FR 57 1800700039
4. Site publication
Name of the Publication Director: M. Philippe MAUGUIN
M. Iñaki GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR-ATAURI, head of the AgroClim Service Unit
Name of the Publication Manager: M. Iñaki GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR-ATAURI
Name of the Webmaster: M. Olivier MAURY
5. Site host
Public scientific and technical establishment
147, rue de l’Université – 75338 Paris CEDEX 07
01 42 75 90 00
Terms of Use
By accessing, browsing or using this website, you acknowledge and accept the terms of use contained below.
1. General information
Please refer to the legal notice of the site.
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The source code for AgroMetInfo is published on the institute’s forge.
To contact the Person Responsible for Access to Administrative Documents (questions relating to the reuse of public information):
Direction des affaires juridiques A l’attention du PRADA
147, rue de l’université
75 338 Paris cedex 07
Tel : 01 42 75 90 00
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5. Modifications
The site publisher reserves the right to change the terms of use without prior notice.
6. Choice of law
Any dispute relating to these Terms of Use will be settled in a French court only.